Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Podcast from Outer Space

Isn't the word "podcast" a stitch? Now honestly, didn't pod people come to mind the first time you heard the term? Of course there's always the pea-in-the-pod image too, but I kinda like the idea of E.T. sending me messages via podcasts. Everyone can use a "turn on your heart-light" moment now and then, right?

I just took a gander at "Uncontrolled Vocabulary" and added the RSS feed. Lost myself in an article concerning the cessation of social networking sites at a particular library. Gang activity was apparently one of the reasons for this unfortunate decision. I have long been frustrated by the knee-jerk movement of setting rules and policies based on a minute percentage of problem people. Why do we move toward negativity and subsequently send a message to our 99% trustworthy populace that we don't trust them? This seems bass ackwords. So I digress. I tend to get these soap box moments quite frequently.

Podcasts are actually pretty cool. I love the idea that we can scroll through archives to draw up a past notable broadcast and share it with friends or colleagues. Interacting in real time as was the case at WLA last year (using OPAL) was exciting. Podcasts allow us to dispense with the barriers of geography and even lend themselves to enviromental stewardship given the vast amounts of fuel we conserve by eliminating travel.

At this time, I am content to subscribe to other's podcasts. To responsibly establish a podcast through our library would be completely dependent upon having enough staffing to keep current and that's not going to happen anytime soon. But we do have the promise and the opportunity exits.

1 comment:

Stef Morrill said...

LOL....wouldn't "pod people" be a great term for podcast junkies?

Thanks for your positive soapboxing and for finding some of the ways to use these technology to bring people together.