Monday, November 5, 2007

Library Thing

I've begun adding titles to so now you have a link to my meager list. I'm having a tough time bringing the thousands of titles spinning in my mind into focus. I decided to list a smattering of this-and-that. Don't ask me why I listed what I did. Some are long-time favorites while others obviously held appeal for some reason.

When I had that moment of panic deciding what titles to list, I was reminded of journal writing. I've tried to be a consistent journal writer, but I found I was writing for an audience (the readers who will discover my journals post mortem) rather than authentically writing as me. Instead of simply listing the first 5 titles that came to mind, I obsessed over not adding titles that didn't have intellectual or literary merit. Subsequently, I feared anyone searching my list would find my choices lacking inspiration. Hopefully people posting lists will be authentic and list even the lightest reads such as Evanovich.


Stef Morrill said...

I completely agree! I'm so self-conscious when putting that sort of stuff out there that I often just hide things (like my Library Thing account).

But I'm learning to be less so....and you're another person inspiring me to be more "out there"!!!

Musetta said...

It's taken me a long time to grow some brass ones, well maybe only aluminum, but after a few decades or so of evolution, transparency becomes a little easier. I once had a professor who said there is something greatly liberating about being over 40 because that's the age when we start to become invisible as sexual objects and grow into who we really are without the restriction of being judged on appearance. My take is that what we lose in sags, bags and bulges, we gain in wisdom, confidence and zest for life.