Friday, June 27, 2008

Always on the Edge of Reason

Is it any wonder a somewhat sane person often finds themselves teetering on the edge of reason when Murphy's Law is the only constant in life? Take for example, our seemingly jinxed work abode. Two days ago, our shared printer ran amok spewing out scads and scads of paper bordered with what can only be described as some ancient script dating back to the inception of the PC printer. For over an hour, we booted, unplugged, disconnected, re-fed, reset, shook, dismantled and flung a few vexing words at this seemingly innocuous machine. Even the best damned troubleshooting from our brilliant tech. folks, couldn't foil the monster in the machine. Finally we left that pugnacious piece of plastic alone to stew. By morning the tantrum was over and (knock wood), all systems go. Okay, so that was two days ago. Yesterday morning I thought I'd do a nice turn and wash staff dishes. Flip went the faucet handle and -- you guessed it -- no water! Never having enough patience to leave anything alone, I monkeyed with it and then had a nice little shower. I flung a towel over the offending appendage and stalked off to find some real work. Should have thought to warn staff who all turned the faucet on and were met with a squealing leak. What we didn't notice was the rivulet running behind the sink, saturating the carpet. I received my second washing that day while tucked under the sink in an attempt to turn the water off. Success was sweet but now I need to suck it up and call a plumber. Maybe I need to first look at one of our do-it-yourself plumbing manuals. Hmmm ... I'll let you know how it turns out!

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