I believe it's time to lament the lack of Spring. Just when we're lulled into thinking the warmth is here to stay, in blows the wind intent on shivering me timbers and reminding me how fickle Wisconsin weather is. I suspect summer will hurry in on little pig's feet and blow like a furnace without reprieve now that it's June. Weather is always a good contribution to life analogies.
Though Spring continues it's dodge and dart game, it didn't prevent the return of our lovely winged friends. The tree swallows are back and mating up a storm. We have a number of bird houses on our land (Mystic Marsh), but the chickadees and swallows decided they want the same digs. Quite a fuss ensues as they charge and flap at each other. We're pretty sure the chickadees won, however, the swallows continue their barrage, poor losers that they are. The orioles are back and we believe there are two pairs. Rose-breasted grossbeaks, cowbirds, catbirds, common yellow-throats, indigo buntings, bluebirds, and my beloved cranes have all made an appearance. The cacophony on some mornings is beautifully maddening. Did I mention the wacky male pheasants and their incessant crowing? Calling, calling for a mate from sun-up to set. I can't get enough of any of them.
We discovered a small pond not too far from our cabin. It was rife with tadpoles one week and now they're gone. We kicked up a few lingering tree frogs as we circled the pond. Then a bullfrog voiced his opinion so I carried on a conversation with him as Alden looked on in indulgent amusement. I would be perfectly content to spend my days exploring every nook and cranny of our marsh.