It's been a while since I've posted so thought I'd at least write a sentence or two. The class is finis but why not continue to blog?
My friend Jannie and I returned a couple of weeks ago from a fabulous trip to Colonial Williamsburg. We also visited the Jamestown Settlement, Mt. Vernon and Monticello. There is no way to describe the aura that settles upon you when you step into the houses of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Walking the rooms they walked, seeing a semblance of the views they saw -- awesome to say the least. At the same time you steep yourself in the history of these historical men's lives, you are also conflicted about the fact they were both slave owners. Washington freed his slaves upon his death, not so for Jefferson. Of course we all know about his relationship with Sally Hemmings. One fact I didn't know about Washington was that he really was a proponent of peace. The weather vane on top of his house has a dove with olive branch perched atop the directions. I want that weather vane! I did know that Washington abhorred torture and set the precedence for abolishing torture as a way to illustrate to the world how a truly free country conducts itself in terms of human rights. Sadly we are now on the reverse path.
More about the trip to come later!
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