What great fun to have permission under the auspices of continuing education to explore My Space and Facebook. I signed up for a Facebook account and my sis popped up as a Friend. Funny what you uncover about family members when you innocently happen upon their on-line activities. Suffice it to say she has way too much fun, at least it appears that way given the number of margarita glasses displayed in front of her!
I checked out the LaCross PL & Oshkosh PL Facebook links and the Arapahoe My Space link. What a hoot to see 96 & 97 year-old female in the profile. CSP is just a baby since we've only been around since 1964. At least that was the first established library. There was a traveling library in the early 1930s. I digress. I was quite taken with the the appearance of the Arapahoe PL link. It's savvy and teen friendly. Great photos, fun links and totally contemporary. The possibilities are endless.
Every trip during Project Play has first excited me, occasionally confused me and made me wish my only role here was to solely implement all the cool things I've discovered. But alas, this is not to be. I fear my priorities will be troubleshooting facility maladies, creating endless spreadsheets and dealing with political ineptness for years to come. I hope there's a 3rd semester because we all need a legitimate excuse to "play more."
1 comment:
Wow! Nifty that your sister was on Facebook waiting for you.
....and while we aren't planning a 3rd semester right now, we're planning some "Playdates" (short online sessions) to keep you (and us!) playing into the future.
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