Crikey! It Took Me Long Enough!
Pretty boring don't you think? An upload of a picture of branches and leaves. (No offense to the photographer.) Not exactly the scintillating visual poetry I had in mind, but after making the upload process way more complicated than necessary, I settled on the first picture that took. So, what do you think? Perhaps the photographer took this photo while swinging from some vines. Maybe a "Tarzan" fan? Believe-it-or-not, I am on week 3. I confess I find the little You Tube tutorials fascinating. I selected my favs and now have to figure out how to get them to this location. I think I may have missed something. I certainly hope I don't breach some kind of national security program as I fumble through this process.
Don't worry, Musetta! You won't break it....and even if you do, we're hear to help!!
One of the great parts of this project is that it's experimental so much can be forgiven -- even a few dunderhead moments over the simplest things.:)
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