Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wordsmith Graffiti - Tagging!

Tagging is a gift to those of us who consider ourselves organic thinkers and prefer a less rigid method for organizing "stuff." Words like subjective, unstructured and free-form entice the poet and artist in me. That tagging requires no controlled vocabulary or hierarchical relationships, is downright titillating! How empowering this tool can be to the masses as it plays to the collective power of we the people. Together we become weathermakers of sorts as we form tag clouds that precipitate words and phrases.

I am intrigued by the libraries

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

"Ella" the Musical!

The lovely little lass tinkling the ivories is my darlin' granddaughter, Ella, or, Ella Enchanted, as I call her. Her Papa, my son, discovered an area library was giving away a piano, so Ella now has a spectacular new toy. You never know what you might acquire through your local public library!
By-the-by, what appears to be a stogie is acutally a harmonica:)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Flickr is a Beautiful Bird

I can't seem to stop conjuring up an image of the lovely bird know as Flicker every time I go to the Flickr site. I haven't posted any photos yet but will fumble my way through the learning process. I have been duly impressed by photo postings on other blogs and hope the artistic part of me can eventually integrate some interesting pictures into my blog.

In terms of usefulness for a library blog, the possibilities are endless. Candid photos, display photos, program photos, you name it. We've always asked permission to post photos of minor children. I think it wouldn't be a bad idea to ask adults as well. In the local paper is one thing, on the worldwide web is another. Horrors if someone in witness protection was posted on our library site and the mob came over to investigate.

Every time I snap a photo of a crowd, I think about cultural differences and photo-taking. When I was in Scotland a few years ago, I snapped a photo of a fire truck that pulled up to a library in Edinburgh in what turned out to be a false alarm. My Dad used to be a fire chief so I thought he'd appreciate a picture of a Scottish fire engine and firefighter. The scathing look I received from the gentlemen in the truck brought a fitting fire engine red hue to my face. I couldn't imagine what I'd done wrong. One of the sweet Scottish librarians told me it was customary to ask permission to take a photo and to do so without asking was considered rude. Thirty lashes with a wet haggis for me!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Library Thing

I've begun adding titles to so now you have a link to my meager list. I'm having a tough time bringing the thousands of titles spinning in my mind into focus. I decided to list a smattering of this-and-that. Don't ask me why I listed what I did. Some are long-time favorites while others obviously held appeal for some reason.

When I had that moment of panic deciding what titles to list, I was reminded of journal writing. I've tried to be a consistent journal writer, but I found I was writing for an audience (the readers who will discover my journals post mortem) rather than authentically writing as me. Instead of simply listing the first 5 titles that came to mind, I obsessed over not adding titles that didn't have intellectual or literary merit. Subsequently, I feared anyone searching my list would find my choices lacking inspiration. Hopefully people posting lists will be authentic and list even the lightest reads such as Evanovich.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Fly Me to the Moon

Wouldn't it be lovely when budget anxieties encroach and life in general sucks, to say, in the words of Eric Cartman, "Screw this, I'm going home." Living and working as a civil servant in a small, and at times, small-minded town, can be incredibly traumatic when the lines become blurred between your right as a citizen and responsibilities as a department head. Intolerant and ignorant people in power cause this blurred effect by punishing your department because you - the whippersnapper that you are - dared to stand up for your rights as a tax paying citizen. When those that make governmental decisions are influenced by personal vendettas and, when sophomoric behavior is the rule, ultimately the entire community loses.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Chapter 4 Redux

I believe feedback tools could be used in endless ways in the library arena. Of course gaining feedback from staff and other librarians would be most beneficial. Patron feedback could be a Pandora's Box but would make a delicious read. Extracting the chaff would require a sense of humor, quelling indignation and an urge to throttle someone. Library Goddess rightly commented that how the survey or questions are worded are key. However, if one feels the urge for tantalizing feedback, global questions could be interesting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chapter 4 & Fractal Art (not exactly in that order)

I am mesmerized by fractal art and am partial to designs available at "Fractals by Vicky". Art & mathematics, what a fabulous combo. Thought I'd share!

Chapter 4 has been tackled and I'm thinking a feedback option could be a mighty tool both for the user and recipient. I was thrilled when Nichole sent a comment to my first posting, trite as it was (my posting, not the comment). Actually, I always search for my comments when I respond to other bloggers. I suppose this makes me a written word narcissist?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Crikey! It Took Me Long Enough!

Pretty boring don't you think? An upload of a picture of branches and leaves. (No offense to the photographer.) Not exactly the scintillating visual poetry I had in mind, but after making the upload process way more complicated than necessary, I settled on the first picture that took. So, what do you think? Perhaps the photographer took this photo while swinging from some vines. Maybe a "Tarzan" fan?

Believe-it-or-not, I am on week 3. I confess I find the little You Tube tutorials fascinating. I selected my favs and now have to figure out how to get them to this location. I think I may have missed something. I certainly hope I don't breach some kind of national security program as I fumble through this process.

Friday, October 26, 2007

And Away We Go....

Now begins the best of times or perhaps the worst of times as I venture into the realm of blogging. The question is - do I divulge fact or create fiction? I suspect we'll all engage in a bit of both as we attempt to be witty, candid or even charming. This is the power of creating with the written word.